viviparity|viviparities in English


condition of giving birth to living young rather than laying eggs; condition of having seeds that germinate while still attached to the main plant

Use "viviparity|viviparities" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "viviparity|viviparities" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "viviparity|viviparities", or refer to the context using the word "viviparity|viviparities" in the English Dictionary.

1. Aplacental VIVIPARITY Aplacental viviparity (which used to be called ovoviviparity) is when animals hatch from eggs, but the eggs hatch and the babies develop inside the female's body

2. The earliest known vertebrate copulatory organs are Claspers, paired penis-like structures that are associated with evolution of internal fertilization and viviparity in …

3. Aplacental viviparity is a form of egg development in which the eggs of an organism hatch while still inside the uterus but the developing young aren't nourished by a placenta.This form of development is found in many species of shark, stingray, marsupial mammals, and a few species of snake.Aplacental viviparity use to be referred to as ovoviviparity.The term was likely changed to …

4. Ovoviviparity (Aplacental viviparity) is a mode of reproduction in s harks (and other animals) in which embryos develop inside eggs that are retained within the mother's body until they are ready to hatch